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September 25, 2011

Letter from a Baby to his Mother.

Hi , Mommy .

I'm your baby . You don't know me yet , I'm only a few weeks old. You're going to find out about me soon , though , I promise . Let me tell you some things about me . My name is John , and I've got beautiful brown eyes and black hair . Well , I don't have it yet , but I will when I'm born . I'm going to be your only child , and you'll call me your one and only . I'm going to grow up without a daddy mostly , but we have each other . We'll help each other , and love each other . I want to be a doctor when I grow up .

You found out about me today , Mommy ! You were so excited , you couldn't wait to tell everyone . All you could do all day was smile , and life was perfect . You have a beautiful smile , Mommy . It will be the first face I will see in my life , and it will be the best thing I see in my life . I know it already .
Today was the day you told Daddy . You were so excited to tell him about me ! He wasn't happy , Mommy . He kind of got angry . I don't think that you noticed , but he did . He started to talk about something called wedlock , and money , and bills , and stuff I don't think I understand yet. You were still happy, though, so it was okay . Then he did something scary , Mommy . He hit you . I could feel you fall backward, and your hands flying up to protect me. I was okay ... but I was very sad for you . You were crying then , Mommy. That's a sound I don't like. It doesn't make me feel good. It made me cry, too. He said sorry after, and he hugged you again. You forgave him, Mommy, but I'm not sure if I do. It wasn't right. You say he loves you... why would he hurt you? I don't like it, Mommy.

Finally, you can see me! Your stomach is a little bit bigger, and you're so proud of me! You went out with your mommy to buy new clothes, and you were so so so happy. You sing to me, too. You have the most beautiful voice in the whole wide world. When you sing is when I'm happiest. And you talk to me, and I feel safe. So safe. You just wait and see, Mommy. When I am born I will be perfect just for you. I will make you proud, and I will love you with all of my heart.

I can move my hands and feet now, Mommy. I do it because you put your hands on your belly to feel me, and I giggle. You giggle, too. I love you, Mommy.

Daddy came to see you today, Mommy. I got really scared. He was acting funny and he wasn't talking right. He said he didn't want you. I don't know why, but that's what he said. And he hit you again. I got angry, Mommy. When I grow up I promise I won't let you get hurt! I promise to protect you. Daddy is bad. I don't care if you think that he is a good person, I think he's bad. But he hit you, and he said he didn't want us. He doesn't like me. Why doesn't he like me, Mommy?

You didn't talk to me tonight, Mommy. Is everything okay?

It's been three days since you saw Daddy. You haven't talked to me or touched me or anything since that. Don't you still love me, Mommy? I still love you. I think you feel sad. The only time I feel you is when you sleep. You sleep funny, kind of curled up on your side. And you hug me with your arms, and I feel safe and warm again. Why don't you do that when you're awake, any more?

I'm 21 weeks old today, Mommy. Aren't you proud of me? We're going somewhere today, and it's somewhere new. I'm excited. It looks like a hospital, too. I want to be a doctor when I grow up, Mommy. Did I tell you that? I hope you're as excited as I am. I can't wait.

...Mommy, I'm getting scared. Your heart is still beating, but I don't know what you are thinking. The doctor is talking to you. I think something's going to happen soon. I'm really, really, really scared, Mommy. Please tell me you love me. Then I will feel safe again. I love you!

Mommy, what are they doing to me!? It hurts! Please make them stop! It feels bad! Please, Mommy, please please help me! Make them stop!

Don't worry Mommy, I'm safe. I'm in heaven with the angels now. They told me what you did, and they said it's called an abortion.

Why, Mommy? Why did you do it? Don't you love me any more? Why did you get rid of me? I'm really, really, really sorry if I did something wrong, Mommy. I love you, Mommy! I love you with all of my heart. Why don't you love me? What did I do to deserve what they did to me? I want to live, Mommy! Please! It really, really hurts to see you not care about me, and not talk to me. Didn't I love you enough? Please say you'll keep me, Mommy! I want to live smile and watch the clouds and see your face and grow up and be a doctor. I don't want to be here, I want you to love me again! I'm really really really sorry if I did something wrong. I love you!

I love you, Mommy.

Every abortion is just…
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
If you’re against abortion, repost.

P.S. Just a note to say (IF YOU REALLY MANAGE TO READ IT TILL THIS FAR). I copy-and-paste this whole chunk of message from someone on fb. And I'm posting this because I'm against abortion. No, I did not cry after reading this, but I just find it touching. You're free to repost this if you want. :)

September 23, 2011

The best way to make your dream come true is to wake up.

Yep, exactly. :)

And that's why I'm working hard towards my dream now. Many of you might have figured it out, although I've never said this here because I'm afraid some of you might be like "eww! you really think you can meh?!" or something like that one. :S OKAY BUT I DONT CARE NOW. And my dream is, to be a dancer. Okay, feel free to provoke me now.

Yes yes, I know... I'm living a dream now. But why call it a dream if it isnt outrageous/ adventurous/ hard to get? If its so easy to get, its not call a dream. Its call an ambition you dumbass.

I do have to admit though, that sometimes I will feel helpless and feel like giving up, cos its such a long and hard journey, especially to someone like me who merely started for 2 years! :( Yes, I only started when I was 14. :/ Which is only like 1 year plus la! WHILE MANY OTHERS STARTED LIKE, SAY, 5 YEARS OLD?!?!

But no matter what, the key is to never give up. Lucky for me, I have my friends to support me (although my family dont really show much support), and also always getting the inspiration from others to continue and just tahan! But even if next time I still cannot come out as a dancer, I'll still continue dancing as a passion, AS A GREAT PASSION. Because

A day I don't Dance, is a day I dont live.

Hahaha. Yep, that's the "logo" thingy that is going to be printed on our DTDP hoodie tee! ^_^

Anyway, sorry for that bunch of unruly words up there. Here are some updates! :) Sigh, have been neglecting this place once again because of exams..........

MY PRETTY PRETTY RIBBON! Dont just focus on that kay. Take a look at my bun! MY NAME IS NOW CHAR SIEW BAO. :$:$ Hehehe according to Jeff and some others. T_T NEVERMIND I LIKE THAT NAME BECAUSE ITS JUST CUTEEEEE LIKE ME! :3 ROFL JK LA AIYO DUNNID SO SERIOUS RIGHT

And yes, I know my hair looks pretty brown in this picture. :S

Oh btw, someone say that I look like Minnie with my cute little ribbon on my head. SO I TOOK MY CUTIE MINNIE CUP AND POSE TO MY CAMCAM. ALAMAK SHY! :$:$:$:$:$:$

And and and, you know where I got that ribbon? I MADE IT FROM DUCK TAPE!!!! Hehehe so proud of it that I keep boasting. ._. LOVE IT TTM. Shall do a tutorial next time. Really cute and easy to make, surprisingly! O_O

I've clipped up my fringe not because the school rules have been tight lately, but I find that its just soooooo much more comfortable and its also a change of style! :D  I cant stand people who just keep to one style just because its trendy. BE MORE SPONTANEOUS DEAR!

Random pic taken while studying at Xinwen's house. SEE?? TOLD YA THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH MY DUCK TAPE REDDY CUTE LITTLE RIBBONNNNNN

Oh and talking about studying................ I'm really sick and tired of it. :( So here's a picture of me to end off. :P CONFIRM A LOT OF YOU WILL AGREE OKAY!!!


Hahaha. Oh, and you know that geeky spects I'm wearing in this picture? IT FREAKING BROKE!!! T_T Such a disaster to me got ornot?!?!?! Its so nice somemore got neon pink at both sides + got skull design at the side if you can see (silver in colour). FREAKING PRETTY RIGHT?! And its super mega cheap, like less than $5?????????/ IMA SO GONNA FIND BACK THE SHOP AND BUY ANOTHER ONE.

Okok I know I say bye on the top already but dont have right okay I really gtg already k bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye




P.S. The picture at the top of this post is taken and edited solely by me. You can take it if you want but, you know, I dont mind some credit? ^_^

September 18, 2011

Lesson in Life.

A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke.
Everybody laughs like crazy.
After a moment, he cracked the same joke again.
This time, less people laughed.
He cracked the same joke again and again.
When there is no laughter in the crowd, he smiled and said:

"You cant laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again?"

(Source: LoveQuotesRus

September 16, 2011


(I'm actually fucking pissed off now and I dont know why I'm putting this picture up. Just want to spike this post up a bit cos it'll be words and words and RANTS. So well, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.)

Yes, that word at the title is for those who have NOT reported that fake facebook account. Seriously, does it hurt to just do that few steps? Seriously x2, cant you just be a little more helpful? SERIOUSLY X3,

_|_ U.

Know why I'm so pissed off?


I think the fake person go and report me? :S But anyways, I just got Xinwen to check her account for me and its being removed already YAY YAY!!!!! :D :D

But still, facebook is just stupid la. Cant they tell if which account is real? THE FAKE ONE IS OBVIOUSLY FAKE RIGHT?! I mean, look at the number of friends please...... And also, its newly created!! Mine have been going on since I was 13! (yes I know, kinda slow right. :$ LOL)

So anyways, I'm downloading MSN now so that I can chat with people and update on stuffs. ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I LAST USED LOR!!! Can you believe it, but I think its about........... HALF A YEAR?????????? WTF!

Hahaha. I'm not really a MSN person anyway, I prefer facebook. :B Although their chat is not as good, but still pass la! And I dont have to keep clicking windows and windows just trying to search for the right one to reply!! >.< PLUS, MSN LAGS MY WHOLE COMPUTER I DONT KNOW WHY!!! O_O

Sigh, anyways, I really gotta study for my EOYs already and like I've said on my previous post, I'M NOT THE FUCKING LEAST BIT PREPARED LOR!!! T_T Plus my school is really slow, dont know wtf delay so until now still havent get the exam schedule. -_- LEFT WITH ONLY ABOUT 2 WEEKS LEH C'MON LA!!!

And yes, I've been so mother fucking stress lately that I couldnt even control my emotions!! Because I think Daddy is going to stop me from dancing if I continue to do badly this time. Hahaha. But you know me, even if that happened I would just defy him. ._. I mean, dancing is already part of me. Without dancing, I'd rather just die. :B LOL. I MEAN, YES, SERIOUSLY. *give serious face*

So yeah, as usual, this time of the year I will MIA. :( But I'll try to save up more post and schedule them so that this place as remain as lifely as possible! ^^

Although I know la, its like so fucking dead here. x.x But surprising though, when I check my stats, there's still a number of people reading! Make me feel so happy~ :D :D


(Image from google)


I GOT MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT BACK ALREADY!!! ^_^ YAYYYYYY THANKEW FACEBOOK! I can finally spam you guys with my status update now and also return to my usual stalking. :P

I'm really active there and sometimes I post quotes, mostly thought by myself, so they are pretty original. :) If you havent add me as a friend please do! I used to only accept real life friends but now I'm starting to accept anyone who adds. ---

I'm friendly. :B

September 15, 2011

Be Good to Yourself. ♥

Life is complicated for almost everyone. We all experience that which pains us, that which annoys us, that which challenges us. We must each take care of ourselves in such times.

Yes, that's me and its taken my Xinwen. :)

Anyways, I'm sorry (again) for neglecting this space for quite a while lately. But you cannot blame me, I've been so busy with dance as there's 2 performance coming up, 1 representing school and 1 representing DTDP (BOTH ALSO AT UCC!!). And also Mr Peter (our mentor, if you cannot remember) says that he might be firing 10% of us if we dont show good progress. T_T OMG~ And I know, I JUST KNOW, I'm not doing very well... :/ DIE LA!!!

Apart from that, my EOYs are around the corner too. STRESS LA BODOH!!! :( I dont even know if I can make it through because I'm still so unprepared with everything. MATH, POA, PHY, CHEM, GEOG, SS. FUCK, I DONT EVEN WANNA THINK ABOUT IT. But I will just try my best la. :D MUST REMAIN OPTIMISTIC!! ^_^

Oh and............... Something scary happened during DTDP training yesterday. I will go into that later on. :S

Went to Westmall to have the Japanese meal that me and Xinwen are currently addicted to! ITS JUST SOO YUMMY!!!!! *slurp slurp gulp* Went with Huixin for the first time and she says its nice too! YAYYYYY :D

And yes, I know that my fringe look a bit too long in that picture above. Its because they just right come down at the moment when I snap. x.x GRR. But I'm too lazy to retake, so yeah! :P

I ordered something that is egg with shrimp one. Huixin one is something ultra expensive!! $_$ And Xinwen ordering her usual, Teriyaki chicken. Hahaha. I dont like to keep going back for the same thing, SO EVERYTIME I GO THERE I EAT SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ^_^

Here's a picture to show you guys, since I've been raving about this shop to many people but just dont know the name!! ._. Hahaha. SIBEH FAIL RIGHT I KNOW!! Make people saliva come out only but dont know where izit. Hehe. :$:$ It's located on the first floor, at quite the other side of of the entrance. I think there's a bread shop nearby. BreadTalk(?)

ISNT IT CUTE!??!?!?!! ^_^

Bought it at one of the little stall outside Men Men Don Don. :D ONLY $6!! WTF CHEAP RIGHT?!?!

Comes with 2 pocket! There's also other colours like pink, brown, beige........... AND OTHER REALLY KAWAII PATTERNS LIKE DEMIN! :)

Although among the colours my favourite is pink, I chose red because its the brightest making it the most attention seeking. :P Hehehe. Yep I admit, I love attention! I mean, which girl doesnt right?! ._. And I remember I used to hate red...........................................

Anyways, after eating we chiong our study for POA for a test the following day (which is today, and I dont think I did very well. T_T). And then rushing off LATE to meet with Cybil, Lynette and Faris. Ended up late 30mins from our meeting time mainly because I FUCKING GOT ONTO THE WRONG TRAIN!!!!!!!!!! Okay la, and also I a bit late then leave. ._. COS OF MY CONTACT LENSE!! Plus it broke WTF. CAN THEY CHOOSE A EVEN BETTER TIMING THAN THIS?!?! I'm never gonna buy F******* lenses again anymore. ITS JUST TOO SOFT!!! Oh and dont get it wrong, "F*******" is the brand, not a vulgarity. :S LOL

Okay okay, I'm getting off topic. :X And so............ We ended up taking taxi again. Yes, just for me. YAH LA I KNOW LA, I ALREADY FEEL GUILTY ENOUGH ALREADY OKEH???!!! :< Since the first day of class we've been taking taxi there lor! ._. WASTE SO MUCH $$$$. AND PLZ, WE'RE NOT RICH AND THAT'S WHY I'M COMPLAINING HERE. HELLO?!


(Okay, maybe to be more precise, right before the lesson.)


Yes. AND FUCK, I'm not kidding or trying to trick anyone here right now okay? I know I used to keep tricking people on my blog and coming back on the next post saying that its fake BUT NO, THIS IS MOTHER FUCKING REAL AND I'M GODDAMN SAD ABOUT IT!!!

It actually happened because we're taking some pictures, then a few of us decided to lie on the floor (tummy facing floor kind) and take a picture from the mirror. And then I got so excited I knock my knee onto the ground too hard (yah la, that's what happen to a vain and self-obsessed camwhorer right. x.x) and it dislocated. O_O

It doesnt feel painful actually, to my surprise. But it feels kind uncomfortable and just....................... just PLAIN WEIRD LA. At first I tried to ignore it because I want to quickly get into the picture (WTF RIGHT??) but really cannot tahan. So while the person holding the camera asking others to come for a photo, I quickly grab my knee and I felt it. YES, I FUCKING FELT IT.

I could feel my whole kneecap being shifted to the right side (its my right knee btw) and yes, THAT EXPERIENCE WAS A HELLA SCARY. :S But I manage to locate it back so that I can turn and go take picture. ._. And then I just smile and act like nothing happened somemore. ._."


Because I was sitting down there and I'm also afraid to get up and move out of the picture, as well as telling anyone (as I was still in a shocked state)!! And I'll look damn extra if I just sit there back-facing right! So imagine if you're in my situation, you'll also choose to act like nothing happen and just take the picture right?!?!??!?!?!?! RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as for now, my knee is okay la, but still feels a bit uncomfortable. Like sore kinda feeling?? :S I dont really know.

AND ALSO, please pardon me if its not a dislocation. Its just the nearest term I can give to what I know and heard about. It its not, mind letting me know the correct term at the comment box? :) Please, its important!

Me and Cybil with our OKTEA from Clementi after the class ended. I forgot to ask Cybil what flavour she ordered but mine is Caramel milktea. FREAKING YUMS!!! :D :D

And well, sorry for my fucked up hair. Was too tired and lazy to retie la! :S

This is a picture taken earlier today while having prata cheese hotdog (or the other way round?) for our lunch. EVERYONE MUST GO TRY!!! From Munch House @ Lakeside MRT. Beside the Sweetie Bubbletea shop. :D

Btw, this is my new bag I bought from the pasar malam in Msia last weekend (will blog about it soon). ONLY 21RM!!!!!!! Hehehehehe. I AM BARGAIN PRINCESS. :$:$

And also, I almost forgot to say. I'm really into big handbags (FOR SCHOOL KIND) and also polka dot recently. I dont know why, new trend? :B Nahhhhhhhhh, who am I to start a trend?! :S I just like it because it makes me look........................... More mature? ._. HAHAHAHHAHA LAME SIA WTF.

Must have a picture of only myself. Because that's how self-obsessed I am. x.x

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

The following pictures are taken either using my phone of just random pictures found from my camera:

That's Faris. I think he dont have appear on my blog before right?! :S He dont want to............................. BUT NO CHOICE WHO TELL HIM KEEP BULLY ME!!!! :P

Left: Xinwen. Right: Me.


Picture taken with Huixin at the library.

I'M A HARDWORKING GIRL OKAY HEHEHEHE. :$:$ SHY OH MY GOD. No la just kidding, always end up talk talk talk. x.x FUCK I NEED TO CONCENTRATE!!! :(

A new hairstyle I learnt from some tutorial on youtube. AND YES, THAT BRAID IS MY OWN FUCKING REAL HAIR. I know....................... Looks too brown to be real as compared to my fringe right. :S But believe it ornot, IT IS.

However, the down side to doing this hairstyle is you must have at least the hair length of like, until your elbow when you put them straight down? :/ And also, after tying this, your hair will be much more thinner than it actually is. SO ITS SUITABLE FOR ONLY PEOPLE WITH THICK THICK HAIR LIKE MINEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ^_^

No, I'm not showing off (how to, with such bad quality hair) . I used to not like my thick thick hair, because its just so hard to take care of!! But I've come to love it because I can do more hairstyle with them! :D And if I want to make them thin, I can just have lots of layers mah! 1 more fact, having more hair/ making them more puffy or thick will make your face look smaller. ITS JUST AN ILLUSION!!

Okay, some of my self-obsessed pictures again. SIBEH ACT CUTE ONE THIS TIME ROUND. You have been warned...........

K, FEEL FREE TO VOMIT ALL YOU WANT. x.x And yes, I know I look EVEN MORE like a freaking child..........

Hehehe. The wavy curls I got after I release the braids! ^_^ YAH, THIS ONLY HAPPEN TO BAD QUALITY HAIR. Well if you have good quality hair and you want to have this kind of curls without using any heat, TOO BAD LA WHO TELL YOU WANT TO HAVE GOOD QUALITY HAIR. :P :P No, I'm not jealous at all.

Btw, if you guys havent know, I got Daddy to buy me a new camera a couple of weeks ago.


And yep, it you know even more. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT I'VE BLINGED IT! ^_^ Ready to see the results?



ALL DONE BY MYSELF. Took me hours and hours until my panda eye becoming worse and worse. T_T  Did it from 11pm to 5am. Hehehe. I'm more of a night person. ._. Its tiring but all is worth the effort when I see the final results. ^_^

Materials used. Bought from The Bluez @ Jurong Point.

Yes, its those kind that have sticker behind already so that I dont have to use glue. Another reason why I dont want to use glue is because I dont want it to be permenant! I'm a person who needs constant changes!! :B So yeah, although its a little more fragile like that la......................... BUT WHO CARES AS LONG AS ITS PRETTY?!?! :P

And yah.... Using this kind of blingbling means that I have to painstakingly cut them out pieces by pieces, or some of them one by one, and stick them on. FREAKING TIRED OKAY!!! And thats why it took me like 6 hours, or more.

The top/ back.

Huixin, me, Cybil, Xinwen. A random picture, LOL.


See this? YES, THIS FREAKING MALE/ FEMALE/ HOMOSEXUAL IS USING MY PICTURE!!! I mean, it doesnt mean that this person did anything yet la but who knows in the future? OR MAYBE RIGHT NOW?!?!



Go to her profile (I'll be giving the link later on) and click on that thing I circled in pink.

Then will come out something like Poke and Report/block. So obviously you choose report/block. After that something will pop out and got some options, choose Pretending to be someone fake. And then something will drop below again, this time choose Pretending to be someone I know.

Just 3 or 4 steps only so please help yeah? I know some of you might be thinking why not just I report can already leh?! But NO. You see, facebook works something like this. They need a certain amount of people who report that account before they can remove it! SO PLEASE HELP OKAY!!! :)

It'll really really be appreciated AND GOD WILL BLESS YOU. (L)

Here's the link:

PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP. *give innocent face* (please dont puke, LOL)

P.S. Also, remove this person from your friend list (if he/she is) and block her. :)

September 6, 2011


Drawn by Xinwen. :)

Yah, as you can see from the title. :'<

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW LOR!!! Plus there's the Dance development class later on! I'm going to watch Smurfs 3D (WILL BE BACK WITH REVIEWS!!! ^_^) with some others later on (leaving in another 15mins or so) AND I STILL COULDNT FIND IT!!! T_T

Yes yes, if there's any other professional dancers here reading this they must be thinking "Woahh, such a irresponsible dancer! Cannot be a good dancer one lor!"


And I think I left them outside the dance studio on the previous lesson. ._. MORE JIALAT CAN?!?!?! Later Mr Peter (our mentor/ "boss") found it or maybe some other instructor found it then I die a more terrible death! T_T WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ! ! ! F.M.L. *kill myself*

Nahhhhhhh JK, LOL. But for now, I dont even know what I should wear lor! :(

Hmmm.... Maybe socks? :B

Picture taken during cdance practice! :)

September 5, 2011

A Girly Treat~ ♥

Review: ChocoMarvel

Hello girls! ^_^

As I've promised on my previous update, here is a post for you girls!! :D

Umm, and as for the guys, would you mind getting outta here? :B If not, you have been warned NOT to continue. :)


ALRIGHT, GIRLS!! Yes, I think you've already guessed it right, I'm going to talk about PERIOD. :) What? Its nothing to be embarrassed about! But sometimes, just for some of you (okay maybe majority of you) might experience some discomfort? Stress? Breakouts? Cramps? Lethargic?

Or maybe most importantly

P.M.S. ???

Hahaha. Yep, just like many of you girls out there, I have to go through fucking PMS every single month during my "blood donation"!! Like any one of you girls, I just want to cuddle in bad all day and do nothing else. BUT NO! We still have to go to school, work etc......

And whenever I go to school, people can tell when they see that I'm less active/ hyper, because usually I'm always talking and walking around and laughing away!! :B But whenever its the time of the month, I just get really quiet and inactive, because I'm really insecure that my pads will fail me and I will leak. :$:$ AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I'LL FEEL DAMN LETHARGIC!!! :<

And tell you what? I. FREAK. ING. HATE. IT. !!!

Because seriously? I will get pissed off easily by little little things which aint important at all! >.< And then the very next second I'll be happy and crazy again WTF.... AND THEN AND THEN, all of a sudden, BAM! Tears start flowing down my cheeks! T_T WALAU WEI~ BEING A GIRL IS SO HARD!!! :(

Dear guys,
when your girlf is having her period, you are her bitch. ;)


You want to change something bout it?

But everytime you look at those pills at the store you feel that its all chemical and you dont want to feel guilty after popping it into your mouth?


Ch♥coMarvel~ !!!

If you find this product familiar to the ear (or eyes, whatever) and you're wondering, yep, I got to know this product from Xiaxue's post awhile back!

And yah........ The moment I saw that adv, I immediately tell Daddy that I want to buy it! ._. Hehehe. :$ ITS A NEED, NOT A WANT!!! :B

ChocoMarvel helps with:

- Relieving menstrual pain, bloating, tension and discomfort. (NO MORE CRAMPS HEHEHE)
- Replenish iron loss during menstruation. (WHICH IS WHY WE TEND TO FEEL LETHAGIC!!!)
- Improve facial complexion. (LESSER BREAKOUTS YAY!! ^_^)
- Maintain hormones level, reducing irritability and depression. (NO MORE PMS WOOH!)

And then you must be asking: "But there is so many other pills and health supplements out there. Why choose ChocoMarvel leh?!"

- Rich chocolate taste. (YUM YUM ^_^)
- 100% natural ingredients. (SO MUCH BETTER THAN CHEMICALLY MADE PILLS!!)
- Suitable for long term consumption.

8 sachets a box! :D

And its really easy to make! :

First, just take out a sachet and open it from the side.

Put it into a cup and add some warm water! ^_^ ~

Stir well and.............



Hehehe. I love it very very very muchhhhhhhhhhhhh! ♥.♥

I've already tried it for you guys (being the guinea pig) and it really works!! O_O I stop getting cramps or even when I have, its to the very minimum and only last for like, a few minutes? YAY YAY!! ^_^ Also, I dont get my PMS already! :D Hehehe. A relieve for people around me, esp my besties, eh? :$ YES I KNOW, WHERE GOT SO GOOD RIGHT?!??!?!?!?!


So quickly go grab yours now!

Its available at Watsons, Guardian and Unity for only $19.90 !
Twin pack also available at John Little, OG and Robinsons for $36.90 !

Click here for their WEBSITE, and here to 'like' their FACEBOOK FANPAGE !


I had my marvelous breakfast with some toast! ♥

What about you, girlies? If you tried it, must give me your reviews also okay!! :D Comment section below!

Take care and have a happy period! ^_^

September 2, 2011

Cruise ; Snorkling. (Part 2)


Have been quite busy with school and also the dance develepment class. The class is kinda hard and tiring, hard to keep up too. :/ BUT, I'm not and am NEVER going to quit!! Instead, I find it fun! :D Okay, more about that next time. (Btw, we going to get our very own tee too! xD DAMN EXCITED!! HOODIE SOMEMORE!!!!!!!!!)

Anyway, I really gotta focus more on my studies already. I've done really badly for my CA2-1. ITS REALLY MUTHAFUCKIN BAD TO THE EXTEND THAT I'M THINKING OF FORGING THE REPORT CARD LOR!!! T_T And dont freaking ask me for my results, its so fucking depressing! :( For now, I just hope that I can use the upcoming CA2-2 to pull up my marks. :/

Ok, enough about my life! ^^

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If you havent read part 1, click HERE.

*Note: All pics with date are taken from cousie's fb! Hence, the bad quality. :(

DAY 2:


As always, camwhoring while waiting for the queue to breakfast! :D

Yah yah I know I know. I look damn creepy here. x.x But ignoring that fact, LOOK AT MY AWESOME CURLS!!! :D :D No heat oh! ^^

Yum yum yumsssssssssssssssss~ 

Btw, as I said in PART 1, I was a little sick all the while. And on the 2nd day morning, I SHUAY SHUAY KENA FEVER!!!  T_T

So I ended up not eating much. :( BOO~ I mean, I REALLY REALLY WANT to eat, but everytime I look at the food I feel like my stomach cannot accept it. :/ WASTED SIA. ALL THE GOOD FOOD!!!! T_T

The retarded gayss! :P

And then after that went to have our "desert" again! T_T WTF............

Cute cute mee with my cute cute cakes! ._. HAHAHA JOKING

I love groups pictures! ^^


I went into the room to rest first + put cold towel on my forehead. I WAS SERIOUSLY DESPERATELY TRYING TO GET WELL LOR!!! Cos we gotta alight and checkout soon! :<

But luckily, my little fever go away after around 45 minutes of resting?? :D :D YAYYYYYY

Waiting for the adults to eat~ :/



Okay, this is totally NOT unprepared one! As in, everything is sort of staged one la! :P Me and his sis just right see until he sit at there quite cool like that, so we decided to take a cool picture of him and tell him put as his profile picture! :D Still must like "tilt your head a bit" etc etc one. Hehehe. :B

Walking to checkout!

On the little boat!

Too bored so decided to make funny faces. ._.

Changed my clothes! :) Because I cannot possibly go into the water with my bright light orange clothes on right?! LATER ZHAO GENG!!! :$ Yah yah I know, also no people want see right........................ x.x


Love my nails? ^^

Took this picture unexpectedly!! I just put my camera on the ground and just snap nia! O_O BUT NICE LEH LIKE THOSE KIND OF GOOGLE IMAGE GOT ORNOT?!?! :B

Angmohs tanning again.

LOL. Wth I doing there?! :S And also check out the auntie. :B

With aunt. :)

The little boat that will ferry us to beautiful places! ^^ YAY

I dont care even if I look retarded here. LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND!!! MY AUNT SMILING/ LAUGHING SO HAPPILY!!!!!!! XD


Weijie's damn scared lor!! He's scared of water because he used to drown before! :< BUT ITS SO MUCH FUN!! We keep persuading him to come into the water but he just refuse. :( Hope he can overcome his fear soon!

Umm.............................. Yup. That's all.



Sorry, maybe I try again next time. :/ .................................... Uh, if got chance. :x

I wore my lens all the way, and apparently nothing happen! ^^ See? I dont know why a lot people say should not wear to the beach/ swimming/ snorkling! Just dont get the water into your eyes la!! :B And if it gets in...................... Then too bad for you? ._. No la JOKING, just quickly take them out la! :S

Bought some stuffs to eat. SIBEH HUNGRY LOR!!! >.<

Love this picture!! <3


Oh btw right, when we walking back, I almost forgot my slippers wtf!! HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO CARELESS MAN?!?! T_T I guess I was too used to stepping on the sand already, LOL! ._. So I runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn all the way back to the beach to take them back! :< Then I think I running too fast or what, cos I scared cannot catch up with them or something, THEN GOT PPL AT THERE SAY "JIAYOU! JIAYOU!" !!!!!!


I dont know if you can see it, but its actually a squirrel on the rock! o_o

On the way back! :)

Dinner~ WE WERE ALL FAMISHED BY THEN!! >.< So we like hungry ghost like that choking ourselves with bread. ._. NICE LEH!!! :B

My current twitter dp! :D


Hmm, have I ever said this before? I'm a weird girl who LOVES strawberry but HATE strawberry ice-cream!!

Our "desert" again~ T_T

LOOK AT THE MINI DUMPLING!!! DAMN CUTE LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD But its actually only just meat inside, super QQ and yummy though OMG I'M CRAVING FOR IT ALREADY WTF


Find this pic familiar? :P

Okay, the rest of the following pics are just pictures we randomly take when we walk around LOL


F-A-I-L #2.

PASS! ^^


Look and let yourself laugh at these 3 pictures below:

WTF??!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!! <3


Waiting because we have no key! :( Have to tell the staff to help us open. TOOK DAMN LONG LOR!!!

Actually I also forget why we went in already. @.@ But I know that we come out again. x.x

Okiee. No more! ^^ We just slack around and enjoy the wind. :)

DAY 3:


Seriously, I think 3 days is really too short. :(

Went for a last stroll after breakfast!

They're with the arcade again. x.x

Cool picture but destroyed by the retard boys!! >.< One retard (red shirt) another one like hawker de lao ah pek! :P

Okay, peace out! \m/

See you in the next post! (Hint: Its meant for girls.)