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May 24, 2011

We need to talk.

Hi people, just a short post. :O

Dont be frightened by the title, LOL. I just find that all my post have been pretty mundane nowadays. (shopping, hanging out with friends, etc) So I decided to do a wordy post! :D Of course with some pictures! :)

(But not my zilian pictures this time, so you can fang xin de scroll down now. x.x AIYA FUCK NI LA!)

Nothing much to talk about, just want to tell remind everyone to drink more water. Weather nowadays really kills. :( ITS ALREADY MAY BUT WHY STILL SCORCHING HOT?!??!?! T_T I think everyone living in Singapore share the same sentiments as me. Right? RIGHT?!



Okay, now that you have say that, I shall continue. ^^

I've recently created a Youtube account, WHICH MEANS I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW!!!


Erm, what? No? ARE YOU SAYING BOO?!??!?!?! :(


Channel ♥

1st Video ♥

And yep, I only have one video now~ T_T PATHETIC EH?! :( But nevermind, I'll still try to make more videos, so please support yea! ^^

Oh by the way, if you happen to have a Youtube account, do subscribe yea! ^^

Anyway, since we're on the topic about Youtube, I want to talk more about it! :D

Okay, actually, only about the people I subscribe to. :B LOL



I think I've blogged about her before in my older blog (that I've closed down already) , BUT I'M GOING TO INCLUDE HER HERE! Although there's others below that you will find that they're actually more famous, I still put her as number 1. LOLOL DONT KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME. :|

But the only bad thing is that she uploads her video once in a very longgggggggg while. :(


 Yes, she's going on the emo/ scene style.

BUT SHE'S SO PRETTY I DONT CAREEEEEEEEE!!! XP Anyone find that she resembles Avril Lavigne? :O


PRETTY ORNOT OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIKE DAMN PRETTY ONLY CAN~ She do make up and hair tutorials on her channel. REALLY NICE AND EASY TO FOLLOW!!! :D Bad thing is she rarely upload videos. :( But she got loads of videos there, so take your time to watch! ^^

Michelle Phan

 I'm sure most/ all of us know her right? Especially the girls~

Therefore I dont think there's a need for me to write much. ;) Basically, she just do make up (mostly for halloween) and gives lots of beauty tips!

Her other channel (where she put videos which are more for fun!) :


She's also a famous Youtuber who makes make ups and hair tutorials, plus beauty tips too! :D Some of her videos also consist of vloggings.

Ray Willian Johnson


He's just a really great entertainer, showing and giving his reviews on 3 viral videos on each of his videos.


His other channel (where he make videos of cartoon characters singing, most of the songs are rubbish with crap lyrics, BUT CATCHY THOUGH!) :

Kevjumba & Papajumba

HE'S ANOTHER FUNNY GUY!!! XD Although most of my other friends says that his friend, NigaHiga is funnier. :S BUT HE'S SO KEWT SO I DONT CARE LOL!!!

I dont really know how to describe him, as I just subscribed to him a few days ago(?) But I've almost watched all of his videos already, LOL!!! Basically, he just makes videos with his super funny dad (picture below) , AND HIS DAD IS JUST SO FUNNY WITH HIS ASIAN ACCENT! XD

His other channel (where he makes almost the same kind of videos but all the money collected from Youtube, which is depending on the amount of views, will go to charity) :

Yes, that's his father.

♥ ♥ ♥

Okay, since I'm finish talking about almost all the youtube people that I subscribe to, YOU MUST ALSO SUBSCRIBE ME TOOOOOOO!!!

Hahaha. I think I will be spamming that link already. ._. But I dont think it will be useful, since most Singaporeans dont have a Youtube account. I think mostly because they're too afraid to be on the camera and feels that its more safe to hide behind the computer and talk shyts about people(?)

No offence, just my opinion. :)

Because that's how I used to feel. But now I thought, why not just show my opinions openly?!

Okay okay, its partly because of those Youtube channels that I've been following that made me make this decision. HEHE. :B

OKAY BACK TO THE TOPIC (wth, I should have stopped talking about youtube and youtube and youtube long ago. -.-) .

All the results for my exams are out.............................. and they're not... very... good...





Which means, Dad is not going to buy me the laptop already. :(

Sigh, thought so already, BUT WHY STILL THINK I CAN GET SIA?!?!?!!?! *slaps self*

Should have been more realistic and just started to save the money myself long ago. NOW I AM POOR BECAUSE I SPENT THEM WTFFFFFFF!!!

And fyi, I dont have a webcam. x.x Because Daddy feels that having a webcam will expose me to more strangers on the internet and get cheated and then blahblahblah. >.>


But just one last try.............................. I'm going to ask him. ;D

P/S. There's one more thing I want to update you guys about... As you all know now I bus + take mrt to school everyday now, the journey is quite long so I will listen to my music otw EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAYS. I got sick of it, so I've changed to listening to radio now! The one I'm listening to is, obviously, 98.7FM. I particularly like Shan & Rozz (6-10am) as well as The Muttons (4-8pm) !!! Try tuning in to this radio station next time yeah! ^^ Quite those boring music that you have to listen to over and over again until your sick of it!

P/P/S. I didnt realise that my initial short post............................................. Became so long. O_O ROLF. But if you want to discuss anything, feel free to leave it at the comment box below yeah! :)


Huixin said...

Emmaxmaree really look like Avril lavinge except for the blond hair, pretty~~~ *v*

Xiaoqian said...

HEHEHE YEA!!! XD But I think all is pretty and beautiful! ^^
Which blonde?? @.@

Jianrong said...

Go watch peter chao. He is super funnyyyyy

Anonymous said...

what is better, yahoo or google [url=]google[/url]

Xiaoqian said...

Google! :D I think no one use yahoo now?? ._.

Lavi said...

you should put this one too...
I think she's quiet famous in youtube ;)
she made videos for tutorial too.
This girl NOT Asian.
She's German, polish and France.
take a look :

Lavi said...

here's the link

Xiaoqian said...

Haha, thanks. :) I just found her last week or so!! O_O SHE'S REALLY PRETTY, LIKE A DOLL!!!! @.@

NekoNyapii said...

haha i found this blog and then i see on the comments someone took my link here xDDD
nice blog
i love linhny and jeerawan, jeerawan was the reason why i beginn with videos :)

Xiaoqian said...

Omg... ARE YOU REALLY NEKONYAPII???? O_O Omygod I love you, you're really pretty!! ^^
Yeap, I love them too. But too bad they have both closed down their accounts. :(