Hi people, I'm in a super good mood. But also in a bad mood. :/
Yes, GIRLS ARE COMPLICATED!!! :< I used to hate that kind of mindset from people, but now I feel this way too. T_T I think because I'm changing. Hmmm, everyone change right? So its okay. :D
Anyway, TODAY WAS A SPECIAL DAY!!! Our principal called for all the performing arts people to show them our performance for SYF. So got Band, then followed by Malay dance, Indian dance, and finally...
Our principal said we performed very well and our standard already can get a Gold! SUPER HAPPY! ^^
I have no idea how, but our timing was P.E.R.F.E.C.T. ;D I think all (or at least most) of us thought that we would get really bad comments, BUT NOPE, WE GOT THE OPPOSITE OF BAD! ;)
But too bad no pictures were taken. :(
&& I'm really mad at someone now, because he say that our dance look simple WTF. -.- Does he even know how much effort and time we put in?! I think there's over a hundred hours in total lor!!! :@ RWARR~ Yes, thats why I'm also in a bad moooooooood! :/
HAHAHA. By now you all should be thinking the title have nothing to do with all this right? YOU WILL KNOW WHY I PUT THAT TITLE AFTER YOU SEE THIS PIC! ...
YEAP A BUNNNNNNN!!! (Y) Rocks ttm okay?!
And its not just any other normal bun, but braided one horrrrrrr! ^^ FISHTAIL BRAID SOMEMORE OKAY!!! Mai siao siao. Credits go to Xinwen. :) She's really good at hairstyling and clothes and stuffs!
Went to mama shop to buy some sweeeeeeeeets! ^^ I'm having a sweet tooth recently. LOL
Sorry people, for the bad quality pictures. :( Didnt photoshop them, as I'm a lazygurl96! Hehehe. :b
Yes I know, I have seriously jialat eyebags!!! T_T Cannot be bothered to photoshop it, because.............................................
With fringe! :D
Hmmm, I'm thinking whether I should cut back my bangs or just grow it long and have it slanted one. :/ Friends keep say that bangs better because my face beli round then make it look kewt................................ -.- Eww, STUPID BABY FATS!!! :@
I'm in love with this look! ^^
Maybe I will do a simple tutorial on how to make this? With Xinwen(?) BUT ONLY IF I GET ENOUGH REQUEST OKAY!! So if you want, tell me at my comment box or formspring yea! ^^
This is the sweet that I buy at mama shop! :D SERIOUSLY ADDICTED TO IT!!! :B I like it more than mentos. ._. Just hope I wont get tooth decay........................... :|
More pictures of my bunnnnnnnn! ♥
Okay I think if I continue right, all my readers will run away already. LOLLLLLLLL
Btw, I just got my contact lenses few days ago! Love them to bits! <3
I ordered 6 pairs in total, FOR ONLY $89!!! O.O CHEAP OR WHUTT??!???!! Comes with free pink casing too! ^^ So hua suannnnnnn~
Okay, actually 1 of them was ordered by Huxin, so I only got 5 lar.............. :/
Look at the retarded mess I make! :< LOL
But I still pack them nicely into my Hello Kitty box/ drawer! :D
P/S. I hope I dont have to repeat this again: The comment box is right under EVERY post, so just click it la! I know its a bit small thats why make it hard to notice, BUT I ALSO DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT BIGGER LEH!!! :< Anyone know teach me k! ^^ Another way is to asK me @ my formspring. Its around the top left hand there. You can even ask anonymously if you're too lazy to sign in/ sign up. :)
super zilian wor you.
Jialat liau you. But so many contact lense. -.-
Huixin Oneayemonster
YES YES OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!! ^^ Anything on me also you love one la horrrrrr! :B HEHEE LOL JK
OF COURSE, IMA ZILIAN KIAA~ LOL. Yep yep, buy many many then can use beli beli long mahhhhhhh! ;D
I don know how wear contact lenses and i don even dare to wear.
Use finger. :D
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